sunset over water, hands reaching out
April Topic

To Belong, or Not To Belong: That is the Inquiry

April 3, 2021 10:00am to 12:00pmFree

A few months ago a participant in the polyam support group mentioned how grateful they felt to have found a sense of belonging because of their experience in the polyam support group. Their comment set me to wondering about the desire to belong and the need to belong that many, if not most of us, have. I was talking with Cindy about this topic and we were saying that it is multifaceted. What does belonging actually mean to you? What are the experiences you had growing up around belonging, around feeling like an insider or outsider? How do you feel in your current polyam relationships? For example, do you have a sense of belonging if you have a nesting partner, or do you feel more connected to a larger polyam community and less in need of belonging in a specific committed relationship configuration?

Let’s gather and chat.

See you soon….