Estimated: 2 minutes to read

Healing from Affairs — Cheating is not Polyamory

Affairs can surface in a long-term relationship.  Can healing occur when the affairs have been covert, repeated and ongoing? Several years ago a couple, Peter and Sherri (not their real names), a married, het/cisgender couple, came to see me. They had been married for approximately 25 years. As are my usual questions when I first […] Read more “Healing from Affairs — Cheating is not Polyamory”

Estimated: 2 minutes to read

Betrayal and Trust

A topic that rears its head from time to time in many polyamorous relationships, and monogamous ones as well, is the issue of trust and betrayal. It seems that most of us have experienced betrayal at some time in our lives…could have been a parent who didn’t keep their word to do something promised, or a friend […] Read more “Betrayal and Trust”