Leah Casey

We are very happy to introduce Leah Casey, MA. We talked to Alma about her decision to join the Green House and what it means for her. 

How did you first learn about the Green House?

I believe the program came up in a search while I was googling counseling jobs & programs.

What drew you to the Green House?

The program’s focus on process and developing therapist identity seemed like the right fit for me, returning to this field and exploring my next career steps. 

What are you hoping to gain form being in the Green House and how do you imagine it will impact your future?

I am hoping to develop my therapy toolset and the confidence to effectively work with the clients that the Green House program and LifeWorks serves. I imagine this will support me to build a caseload and help me continue to build a fulfilling career. 

In the short amount of time since you joined the Green House, what has surprised you most and why?

I have really enjoyed meeting Green House program staff, LifeWorks’ therapists and the members of my cohort – everyone is so accepting, supportive, and wonderful. 

Anything else professionally you are particularly looking forward to this year?

Outside of professional development and therapy skills, I’m also really excited about the personal growth and self-reflection that the Green House includes in their therapist development. 

View Leah’s therapist bio: